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This area is for exchange of encrypted records and photographs between examiners for supervision, peer review and second opinions.

Abusenet Internet and Dial-Up Services Store and forward (non real-time) computer consultation in abuse cases has been available on a formal basis in Florida since February 1998. Informal internet consultation has been in operation since 1995. The system operates in several formats to provide maximum flexibility for users. Any forensic examiner in Florida with a computer, modem, and access to a telephone line can join the network at any time. Case records are generated at the primary examination site including photographs or videotapes of findings. These records are transmitted to a secondary site, are reviewed by a consultant, and are returned to the examiner with the comments of the consultant. If desired, records can be transmitted to a tertiary site in Jacksonville for additional consultation.

Transmission can be via the internet in an encrypted format, or confidentiality can be assured by using code numbers determined by the sender. Alternatively, the sender can use a proprietary product such as Second Opinion or Imagequest, and can transmit the records to our server using a personalized folder to which only the consultant and the sender have a password. Emergent consultations can be arranged by a telephone call to a cadre of consultants 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the tertiary site. Cases can be collected, depersonalized, and distributed from the tertiary site for peer review. All transactions at the tertiary site are retained in permanent storage. Persons interested in joining this network should call Dr. Whitworth  at (904) 265-4900.