
Training for forensic sexual assault/ abuse examiners has never before been coordinated on a statewide basis nor has a standard training curriculum been developed. Abusenet has developed a standardized training curriculum and has begun providing this training to the Florida professional community. Access to training is limited to physicians and nurse practitioners. The curriculum is offered over three days with the first day devoted to adults, the second to adolescents, and the third to children. The training is cumulative and examiners are encouraged to attend all three days.

Continuing education credits are provided through the University of Florida and trainees are examined after each day to assess progress with training objectives. A certificate of successful completion is provided. A multidisciplinary faculty representing law enforcement, prosecution, victim advocacy, psychology, and medicine provides the training. The curriculum is not intended to certify proficiency, but provides the basic information for trainees to then work in a supervised environment until proficiency is accomplished.

Training is free to applicants approved by the course coordinator. Continuing education and updates will be provided over a teleconferencing network in the future.

Contact us

Ray Alexander. MD
Pediatric Quality Improvement Systems
1360 Prudential Drive, Suite 100
Jacksonville, FL 32207

Megan Meisner
University of Florida
Department of Pediatrics
Division of Child Protection & Forensic Pediatrics
904.633.0191 fax









Abusenet has been developed to improve services to abused and disadvantaged children.